ARK CLS Seismic Feature Enhancement V4.4 - OpendTect plugin version

ARK CLS Limited

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced and/or published by print or any other means without the written consent of ARK CLS Limited.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Brief Technical Overview
3. Quick Start
1. Launching the SfeQt OpendTect plug-in
2. Opening the Select Data dialog.
3. Opening the Aperture Design dialog.
3.1. Aperture Control tab
3.2. Parameters tab
4. Saving the project parameters
5. Start the SFE processing
4. Interfacing with the SFE Application
1. SFE Main Window
1.1. Menubar Area
1.1.1. File
1.1.2. Seismic
1.1.3. Process
1.1.4. Help
1.2. Toolbar Area
1.2.1. Tools Toolbar
1.3. Log Area
2. Select Data dialog
3. Aperture Geometry Design
3.1. Aperture Control tab
3.1.1. Aperture Type
3.1.2. Traverse Aperture Size
3.1.3. True Scale
3.1.4. Additional Decimation
3.1.5. Output 3D Swath Width
3.2. Parameters tab
4. Seismic View
4.1. Toolbar
4.2. Seismic Display Area
A. Aperture Geometry

List of Figures

2.1. Showing digitized traverse though 3D survey
3.1. Seismic Feature Enhancement Main Window
3.2. Select Data Dialog
3.3. Aperture Geometry Design
4.1. SFE main window
4.2. Select Data Dialog
4.3. Aperture Geometry Design
4.4. Aperture Geometry Design
4.5. Seismic view
A.1. Aperture Geometry for 3D SFE Traverse with Auto swath width off and Custom Width set to some value other than zero