Frequency Shaping provides various mechanism to allow you to interact with the main window chart area. These interactions can be:
Tab - The interaction effects the charts within the same tab (eg zooming, number of columns)
Chart level - The interaction effects an individual chart (eg change title of chart)
Data object level - The interaction effect an individual data curve on the chart (eg set up plot rule)
Some of these interactions can be achieved directly on the chart area whereas other interactions require you to first pop up a dialog.
Direct interactions with the current tab chart area allow you to interact with the chart without popping up additional dialogs.
Global zooming allows you to zoom the current tab chart area in or out with the mouse.
The images in the figure above show how the current tab chart area can be zoomed in and zoomed out in a global sense.
Zooming in is achieved by either clicking on the menu item View->Zoom In or clicking the icon.
Zooming out is achieved by either clicking on the menu item View->Zoom Out or clicking the icon.
Frequently on charts there can be several curves plotted. Therefore identifying a particular curve amongst the jumble may appear to be a daunting task. However, a facility has been provided which allows you to point at a Vertex and clicking with the mouse left button will display the name of the curve in the status bar.
The images in the figure above show how data on an individual chart can be identified.
To identify data on a given chart point to a vertex on one of the data curves and press the mouse left button (you need to be near to a vertex). If you are close to a vertex when you click, the curve name and the coordinates of the vertex will be displayed. This is useful since it gives you a mechanism for identifying anomalous curves so that they can be removed. In the first image there is a spike on the red curve around 63.5Hz. Clicking on the tip of the spike identifies it as TRACE_036. Now, in this case, you can go to the "Input Seismic" tab on the "Select Input Data Dialog" and deselect it. The second image shows the result of deselecting TRACE_005.
Data zooming is different from global zooming as data zooming is only performed on an individual chart. Like global zooming it is quick and easy. Charts zoomed in this way stay zoomed until you revert them to an unzoomed state. You can zoom in and out on individual charts by pressing and holding the Control key then rotate the mouse wheel either towards you (zoom out) or away from you (zoom in). The zooming will be centred around the position of the mouse. Alternative methods for individual chart zooming are described below.
The images in the figure above show how data on an individual chart can be zoomed. Data zooming is the process of identifying a data area within a given chart and arranging the chart axis so that area fills the chart.
Data zooming is achieved by dragging a rectangular box (rubber band) over an area of the data on one of the charts that is to be zoomed. You invoke data zooming mode by pointing to the chart that is to be zoomed and pressing the mouse right button. This pops up a menu. Select "Zoom Data (Shift + Mouse left button)" will put you in data zooming mode. Now pressing and holding mouse left button and dragging will allow you to rubber band the area on the chart that is to be data zoomed. Letting go the mouse left button will instantly data zoom the chart. After data zooming the mouse left button will revert to its default mode "Identify Data". To unzoom the data press mouse right button to pop up menu and select "Unzoom/Recentre Data (Shift + Mouse left button). Another faster method of achieving the same result is to press and hold the Shift key whilst sweeping out a rectangle by pressing and holding mouse left button and dragging over the area that is to be data zoomed. To unzoom simply hold down Shift key and press and release mouse left button on the chart. If you have zoomed in multiple times, this action will unzoom in steps. Note the Unzoom All/Recentre Data icon which unzooms all and recentres the data in one go. This can also be achieved by mouse rightclicking and selecting the "Unzoom All/Recentre Data" pull down menu item.
The first image shows the rubber band box identifying the area that is to be zoomed and the second image shows the result of the data zoom.
Moving data is a mechanism which allows you to grab hold of the data on a chart and drag it to a new position. Essentially you are changing the axes on the chart coordinate system.
Moving data is achieved by pointing to a position on a chart and moving that position to a new place. You invoke move data mode by pointing to the chart where you have data that is to be moved and click mouse right button. This pops up a menu. Select "Move Data (Ctrl + Mouse left button)" which will put you into move data mode. The next time you click and hold with mouse left button on the chart the position to be moved will be identified. Whilst holding down mouse left button move to the new position. Data will move interactively as you move to the new position. Letting go the mouse left button will leave the data at the new position. After data moving the mouse left button will revert to its default mode "Identify Data". To re-centre the data press mouse right button which will pop up a menu then select "Unzoom/Recentre Data (Shift + Mouse left button). A faster method of achieving the same result is to press and hold Ctrl key then press and hold the mouse left button whilst dragging the data to the new position.
It is sometimes useful to see axes displayed differently. This is easily achieved via a pop up menu. Clicking mouse right button on a chart will cause the pop up menu to be displayed. The menu will show, amongst other options, a cascade menu for X Axis and Y Axis.
The cascade menu for the X Axis allows you to toggle between:
Linear Scale or Logarithmic Scale
Increasing Right or Increasing Left
Axis at Bottom or Axis at Top
The cascade menu for the Y Axis allows you to toggle between:
Linear Scale or Logarithmic Scale
Increasing Up or Increasing Down
Changing Scales on Charts
The images in the figure above show how an axis can easily be changed from a linear to a logarithmic scale.
By pressing and holding mouse right button whilst hovering over the y axis or x axis or the data area of the chart, you can pop up a menu. In this case the user clicked over the y axis. Moving to the X Axis item on the pop up menu will cause the X Axis cascade menu to be displayed. Then, moving to the right over the Logarithmic Scale cascade menu item and releasing the mouse right button will cause the chart to be redrawn with a logarithmic X axis.
Other changes to the X and Y axes or chart data can be performed in a similar manner.
The Charts Tab Controller dialog allows you to change various properties of a tab and charts. The Charts Tab Controller will also allow you to create, delete and edit tabs and charts as well as control the layout of each tab (number of columns) and change the order of the tabs and the charts within the each tab chart area. A useful feature is that the tabs and charts configuration can be saved to a XML file individually. Subsequently the XML file containing one of those configurations can be loaded to the current session. Tabs and Charts configuration XML files do not save data or application parameters so can be readily used in other projects or sessions. The Tab Controller dialog can be popped up by clicking menu item icon. The figure below shows the Tab Controller. Changes made via the Charts Tab Controller are immediately updated on the chart area of the main window.
The sub-sections below outline the various tasks that can be performed from within the Charts Tab Controller.
The sub-sections below outline the various tasks that can be performed with the tabs layout.
Creating New Tabs
Creating a new empty tab is very simple process. To do so you just need to click the
button next to the table with all the existing tabs, which will create a new empty tab to be inserted immediately after your currently selected tab. You can also do this on the mainwindow by pressing the + next to the last tab on the main window.To change the title of a tab just double click on that tab on the list and the name will become editable.
Moving Tabs
Creating a new empty tab is very simple process. To do so you just need to click the
button next to the table with all the existing tabs, which will create a new empty tab to be inserted immediately after your currently selected tab. You can also do this on the mainwindow by pressing the + next to the last tab on the main window.Deleting Tabs
Creating a new empty tab is very simple process. To do so you just need to click the
button next to the table with all the existing tabs, which will create a new empty tab to be inserted immediately after your currently selected tab. You can also do this on the mainwindow by pressing the + next to the last tab on the main window.Saving and Loading Tabs Configurations
Saving and loading the tabs configuration allows you to view your session in many different ways. Tab configurations are saved in XML files. Only information about the tabs and respective charts are saved in such files. This facility also allows you to use tabs and charts configurations saved from previous sessions in other projects. Note, application parameters and information to reload data are not saved. The save sessions facility is designed for this purpose.
Resetting the Tabs
To reset all the tabs configuration to the application's default configuration you can just click the
push button.The sub-sections below outline the various tasks that can be performed with the current tab charts layout.
Creating New Charts
To create a new chart within the selected tab click on the
push button within the current tab charts layout group which which will cause a new empty chart to be inserted immediately below your currently selected chart of the current tab. Note that the charts are arranged in rows. So, in a two column arrangement the first chart will appear in row 1 column 1, the second chart appearing in row 1 column 2 and third chart in row 2 column 1 and so on. In the Chart Title list the new chart named "New Chart", will become the currently selected chart and will be highlighted. The main window will also be updated to show the new empty chart.You can change the name of the chart as well as many other options by clicking the
push button.Moving Charts
You can move charts within the same tab by dragging them within the table on the current tab charts layout or by pressing the
and push buttons to move the current chart up and down on the list.Deleting Tabs
To delete a chart you just need to select the chart from the list and then click the
push button. The chart is deleted immediately without any warning, so you are advised to be careful when using this option.Saving and Loading Chart Configurations Tabs
Saving and loading the chart configuration is a powerful facility which allows you to view your session in many different ways. Chart configurations are saved in XML files. Only information about the charts are saved in such files. This facility also allows you to use chart configurations saved from previous sessions in other projects. Note, application parameters and information to reload data are not saved. The save sessions facility is designed for this purpose.
Changing the Number of Columns
You can control the number of columns in which your current tab charts are displayed by changing that value on the spinbox below the charts table.
Zooming In and Zooming Out
The zooming int and out actions can be performed by clicking the respective buttons below the charts table.
The Display Options dialog allows you to control what data is displayed in a given chart. The Display Options dialog will also allow you to change some chart properties including: Title (can also do this on the Charts Tab Controller), the labels on the X Axis and Y Axis and Line Thickness. Currently, Line Thickness parameter controls the thickness of every data item on the chart. It is not possible to change the Line Thickness of an individual data item. The Display Options dialog can be popped up by clicking the Edit push button on the Tab Controller dialog or by clicking the mouse right button on the chart and selecting from the pop up menu
The sub-sections below describe the various tasks that can be performed from within the Display Options dialog.
Changing chart titles, axes names and line thickness via the Display Data Items dialog is very simple.
The figure above shows how you can change title, x axis label, y axis label and line thickness.
In this example we have changed the title, the x axis label and y axis label together with the line thickness of data items displayed on this chart. As we edit these fields the application main window is updated in real time.
This is a very powerful feature which allows you to specify what data is to be displayed on a given chart.
The figure above shows how you add and remove data items to a chart. Data items are assigned data label names and are grouped together into logical sets. The set (or group) name, together with the data label name, uniquely identifies the data item. So, for example, in the "Trace Spectra" group the trace spectra data items are given names of the form "TRACE_<counter>" where counter is in the range "001" to "999". So, the first trace spectrum would be assigned a label "TRACE_001" with the second trace spectrum assigned "TRACE_002" and so on. Similar names are assigned to "Raw Trace" and "Gated Trace" groups.
Now data items can be added to a chart by selecting the group name and the data label name within. The image above shows the "Display Data Items" dialog with the "Data Item" list displaying the "group names" and optionally the "data label name" if the group is open (ie expanded). Groups can be expanded or collapsed by clicking to the left of the group name. So, once a data item is selected for a chart, whenever that data item is available it will be displayed on that chart.
In the image above where we have selected the data item labelled "Smoothed Average" within the "Smoothed Average Trace Spectrum" group. Notice that displayed the "Smoothed Average" spectrum is now displayed (black line on the "Seismic Mean" chart). If we now clear the traces via the Select Input Data dialog and reload more seismic traces we will get a new average trace spectrum displayed on the "Seismic Mean" chart. This persistence is a useful feature of the underlying, rule based, chart control system.
At the time you select a data item for display you can assign a colour. Alternatively, you can allow a colour to be assigned automatically.